Friday, May 11, 2012


Recently Bentley asked me "So it's newspaper and not moosepaper?"

"Huh?!" I responded, trying to make sense of his query.

He just repeated himself "It's newspaper and not moosepaper?"

"Uh..." I said, still processing, "Who calls it moosepaper? Is that what you and Jake and Viva call it?" 

"Yes." he replied.

Interesting. I and Kara never caught on to their misnaming. I don't think they use the word very often. Later when I held the newspaper up for Viva and asked her what it was, she correctly named it. Maybe Bentley was the only one who thought it was a moosepaper?

No. Jake had it wrong, too. A few days after my conversation with Bentley Jake came into the house with the newspaper yelling "I have the moosepaper!"

Bentley corrected him. "It's NEWSpaper."

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