Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Bentley Headlines

What's new with Bentley!

We had his 3 year check up with the Dr. a couple weeks ago, and I'm happy to report that although he's no heavy weight he did gain 5 lbs in this past year and he's back on the bottom of the growth chart for his weight - over 27 lbs! Maybe this year he will discover a love of protein and really go crazy with his weight. We'll see.

What else is new? For the week or two prior to his 3rd birthday we did a heavy propaganda campaign all about how 3 year olds are big kids and use the toilet. What did Bentley tell me? "Well, Mommy, SOME 3 year olds use the toilet but I think some like diapers". I wonder which some group he thought he was in? Fast forward to the morning of his birthday. When his poor Great-Grandma wished him a happy birthday in the morning he hit her (I know - awful!) and then started sobbing that he wasn't 3, and he didn't want a birthday.

Pressure is tough stuff! Luckily for us he remembered that the cake and presents were good stuff, and he even said thank you for his gifts of underwear. We gave him a couple days and then gave this whole toilet training a go again. And, I can now report, I think we're almost all the way there! More thanks to Grandma than me, I think. I'm still working on developing patience - I'm afraid it's a trait I have not mastered yet.

Here he is showing off his new car, a reward of successful toilet use. A little bribe can go a long way, I think!

Also - my 3 year old has become a tad defiant lately. It inspired me to run (not just walk) out of the house and to the book store to find myself a new parenting book. My current random techniques of management were just not quite cutting it anymore. So now we're trying the 1-2-3 Magic book. I know - a whole book about how to count to 3? But I like it and the author has some good points. Unfortunately, according to the author, I can't count to 3 to make my child eat his dinner. That's a behavior I want him to "start", not a "stop" behavior - the kind counting works with. Bummer!

Lastly? The kid is turning into quite the chatterbox. The other evening he was sitting on my bed, talking to me, and I think he talked for 10 minutes straight before really pausing to let me get a word in edgewise. He is very good with his words although he needs to work on his sense of time. We're always hearing "last night" or "yesterday" to refer to events which have happened at some point in the past month. Bentley really likes to start his sentences with "I think maybe..." when he wants to persuade me to do something. He has lots of opinions and likes to give input into what we do (like every 3 year old who thinks they rule the world, I suppose!). He also has a great memory. Better than mine, I think.

And that's that for now!


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Way to go on the toilet use, B!

I bought the 1-2-3 Magic book a few months ago after another MOT recommended it (her twins are nearly 3). I also asked Dr. M about it at our 2-year check up and she said it was one of the only books that she actually recommends and has read from cover to cover. Both Brook and I read it, now we've got to sit the boys down and have The Talk and then it's time for implementation and, my least favorite, consistency! Our boys actually love time out, in fact, they ask for it at the slightest hint of knowing that they did something wrong. Maybe they just like the alone time? I don't know.

Let me know how you like the book.

Llama Wanderings said...

We used chocolate chips to bribe Millikins with potty training! :D She would get one if she went potty and she got two if she did the other. Worked very well for us. She did regress when I had my gallbladder surgery, but I just dug the chocolate chips back out and she took about two weeks with those and was back to she was before she regressed. Life is good! :D