Viva likes dolls and sometimes drags them around, but she hasn't before shown a strong preference for any one doll. However, this is the newest doll, so it is the current favorite.
When Viva crib hopped and brought Dolly along, Dolly attracted Jake's attention. He decided she was a fine addition to his crib and he grabbed her and would not let her go.
When I came into the room to do a crib check, I took Viva out of Jake's crib, but left Dolly with Jake since he was really enjoying his bonding time with her. Viva was livid. Whatever. I figure there should be some penalty for jumping into your twin's crib uninvited.
I went back to the craft room (which is across the hall from the toddlers' room) and told Kara what I had done. Kara immediately went over to the toddlers' room and took Dolly from Jake and gave her to Viva. Poor Jake started howling. He had grown quite attached to Dolly.
I told Kara that Jake ought to be able to keep Dolly, but Kara insisted that Dolly was Viva's (as are all other dolls except maybe one from a twin set of dolls). I stole Dolly from Viva (again!) and gave her back to Jake (again!).
To appease Viva I took her out of her crib and rocked her for few minutes. She much prefers rocking to dolls. Kara and I let Jake play with Dolly while I rocked Viva and then we asked him to give Dolly a kiss good-bye and give her back to Viva. He was happy to do so. (Like most males Jake only enjoys baby tending for a brief time period.)