Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Camping Fun!

Is it camping if you have plumbing and a heated cabin? I suppose it's probably not 100% authentic camping - but, nonetheless, a great introduction to camping for a group of crazy toddlers.

Here are my trivia tidbits from our weekend adventure to Cooper's Landing:

Jackson loves trail mix. He ate it for snack, dinner, and breakfast. I promise we offered him other foods - he was just in love with the trail mix.

The twins are not mature enough to handle fires (real surprise, right?!). They both wanted to sit on the same small stone next to the fire and kept shoving each other towards the fire pit to claim ownership of the seat. Sweet! Bentley enjoyed the fire (what boy doesn't love fire, right?!) but wouldn't try a roasted marshmallow. Weirdo.

All the kids loved the water. We spent more than an hour or two hanging out by the river and letting them throw stones. Or, at least, try to.

Bedtimes are hard to enforce when you're in a new place.

We enjoyed a Seward "stop by" (a bit of a drive!) on the way home so Bentley could see all the boats.

The verdict? We'll be back out to the wilderness for more child camp training this summer. Thanks for the invite, Larsen family!

I'll leave you with a funny picture. Well - I thought it was pretty funny.

Jake, not sure about waking up from his nap and discovering we were STILL driving! (My kids are not used to long car trips):

1 comment:

jhl said...

Love that last photo! Poor Jake! We were so glad to have you guys down and wish you could've joined us on the river. Hope it was a good trip for you!