Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kids in Two Words

Small people change so quickly! There are many charming quirks the kids have, and a few not so charming one. I decided to sum up (is that possible?) some of what I'm seeing in them lately.

Bentley is: charming & defiant

Bentley CAN be quite charming. He knows how to ask for what he wants nicely. He doesn't always choose to though. He skipped the terrible threes, but sometimes he's a bit of a fearsome four year old. He thinks he's in charge of the world. I think I'm in charge of it too. We're trying to reconcile our difference of opinion...

Jake is: affectionate & crazed.

Jake is very affectionate. And so polite. No thank you, please, and once in a great while even a you're welcome. He gives out hugs and I love yous. But if you make him mad? The veins on his face start to pop, he gets loud, and he starts to act a little wild!

Viva is: helpful & willful.

Genevieve. She's a great helper! She likes to fold laundry. If you ask for help she'll most likely do it, and quickly too. If her brothers are busy trying to convince an adult to get do something for the, she'll often pop up and go do it for them. She's sweet like that. But she has a bit of a willful streak. If she doesn't like what you're saying, when you ask if she understood she'll say "No". With quite the look to go with it.

I love these kids!

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