Thursday, September 29, 2011

Idaho Fun

Viva had an awesome time on vacation with her Dad - she didn't miss the rest of us at all! In fact; I'm not sure she spared us more than two thoughts the entire week. She was too busy enjoying new people and new adventures and having a grand time of it. Good for her! (although... she could have lied and told me she missed me a LITTLE bit, right?! :)).

As always, a picture is worth a thousand words. So here are a few.

The big birthday bash for Grandma Darlene's 80th!

4 generations!

Climbing trees with Grandpa Tim.

Big vehicles, with big wheels! (an afternoon with cousin Chris and his wife, Sam!)

Jake says he's ready for a vaction with Daddy. When Bentley was just back from Vegas Jake wanted to go to Vegas... Now that Viva is home with Idaho stories Jake says Idaho! I told him to boldly go somewhere new; we shall see.

Grandma Darlene asked Viva to come back soon. Viva told her that she would, but not next year. "Why not?" inquired Grandma Darlene. Viva told her she's already booked for 2012 - she hopes to head back to Mexico! Funny kid, she has her plans down!

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