Some years we are more willing to look for great sales than other years. This year was a "let's just buy them at Costco and be done with it" year. Viva didn't really need any new sleepers because Kara had purchased some princess nighties online last year and she had picked up a few sleepers at garage sales. (It's hard to find good used sleepers because they often lose their softness after many washings.) Even though Viva had enough sleepers to get from wash day to wash day, I bought her one new one because it was purple and pink with ballerinas on it--just perfect for our Viva!
Jake got two new sleepers. One had a firetruck on it and one had pirates. I also bought Bentley two new ones: one had a T-Rex and other had rocket ships. Bentley liked his new sleepers until he saw Jake's pirate sleeper. He wanted one like that because "it was scary." (Isn't that what we all want in a sleeper?! Something that will induce nightmares?)
Since Bentley needed more than two sleepers (he had zero to start with), I went back to Costco and purchased another three sleepers. One was footed. Kara hates footed sleepers, but the boys still like them. Bentley asked for me to dig out the winter sleepers a couple of weeks ago so he could have protection on his feet.
Protection from what? The dang cat! Sometimes in the middle of the night Rameses wants to play and so he will attack Bentley's feet while the poor boy is sleeping. Since Bentley usually doesn't keep his feet under the covers, Rameses' sneak attacks can result in scratches on B's feet. We've given Bentley a squirt bottle filled with water to chase the cat off. It only kinda works. The cat will leave and then come back. He's a young cat and loves to play.

(Please note that in the above photo Bentley is standing on his tiptoes. He is taller than Jake, but not by four inches.)
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