Friday, June 01, 2012

He Walks!

Lincoln walks!  I am a bit slow in documenting this, as it actually occurred on May 17th - 2 days after he turned 10 months old.  I told him he gets the blue ribbon for earliest walker to date in the family, I'm not sure if he was dutifully impressed with himself for that reason though.

He is, however, clearly pleased with his new mode of getting around!  Here he is catching the vision:

Grandma crawls, Lincoln walks.  That's the unofficial subtitle.  And yes, he was a sweet little guy.  He walked for the grandparents too - mere hours before they got on a plane!  What timing.

Just a few minutes later, he was really cruising!

Impressive, right?!  Why is he holding balls and drum sticks?  Because I tricked him into walking.  I knew he could, but he didn't believe me.  But when he had something in his hands he was distracted from sitting back down and walked instead!

He can walk without balls and sticks now, although he does sometimes walk with his hands held straight out in front of him (like they're holding onto an imaginary walker... !).  Or, even better, I love it when he walks and throws his hands way up high towards the sky.  This, of course, sometimes results in a lack of balance and a land on a cushioned diaper butt.  :)  This morning Bentley told me Lincoln was RUNNING to catch up to him.  I didn't see it but I'd believe it!

Lincoln, and his siblings, and loving his new transportation skills.  So fun!

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