Sunday, August 26, 2012

Humor, by Jake

Jake is a funny little guy.  He made this birthday card for his buddy Patrick's birthday, and then he laughed hysterically while reading it to me.

I'll translate for you.

Happy Dad Day Happy Frog Day Happy Viva Day Happy Jake Day Happy Cow Day Happy Popcorn Day Happy Halloween Day Happy Yucky Day Happy Sad Day Happy Sat Day Happy Cat Day Happy Kiss Day Happy Birthday

I told him that it was beautiful.  And that maybe next time he could work on not wrapping his words from line to line... :)

P.S. - a disclaimer.  We think his handwriting is charming.  Quaint.  Etc!  He hasn't begun his formal handwriting program yet (oops, bad Mom...) but I"m sure we'll have him whipped into pretty cursive script in short order.  With letters all going the right directions and all that jazz!  But for now?  We'll let him be just turned 5.  It looks pretty cute!

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