Saturday, September 07, 2013

Good Routine, Gone Bad

Kara posted recently that Evan is an easy baby to care for. Give him a bottle at 8PM, hold him while he drinks it, place him in his crib with his pacifier, and he rolls over on his tummy and goes right to sleep. He doesn't wake up until 8AM. He's happy when he gets up. Around 11AM he gets cranky. Give him a bottle, hold him while he drinks it, place him in his crib with his pacifier, and he rolls over on his tummy and goes right to sleep. 

Easy, peasy, but if you interrupt that simple routine, the results will not be pleasing for baby or caregiver. Tuesday morning I was in charge of putting Evan down for his nap. I prepared his bottle and picked him up. I carried him upstairs and sat in the recliner with him while he sucked down the bottle. I walked over to the crib and placed him in it...and then disaster struck when I couldn't find a pacifier. 

Evan did not roll over his tummy and go to sleep. He sat up and protested. I had to turn the lights on in the room, drag the crib away from the wall, scrounge on the floor for an AWOL pacifier, knock the dust bunnies off it, and then hand it to him.  Unfortunately the routine had been interrupted for too long and cranky, tired Evan didn't want to cooperate. He threw the pacifier away and screamed.

I had to start all over. Back downstairs for another quarter bottle, back upstairs to the recliner with the baby and the bottle, then back to crib with a pacifier this time. Evan rolled over on his tummy and nap time commenced. I gave a big sigh of relief and made my escape.

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