Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Boy!

A while ago Grandma accused me of having a Lincoln-centric blog.  I'm afraid it might be turning into an Evan centric blog.  What can I say??  The littlest people always do an awful lot of cute things deserving of a camera.... and I think Evan deserves a shot at fame just like Lincoln had.

Look at this happy guy:

He patiently waits for his dead beat (aka not-a-morning-person) mother to come get him in the morning.  Some mornings I'm slower than others, but he's always very pleased to see me and gracious about the delays.  I'm pretty lucky!!

Evan is a great sleeper (well.... mostly!).  He insists on going to bed by 8 pm.  He's definitely not a night owl.  He starts rolling on the floor and shrieking and rubbing his eyes and clearly communicating it's the end of his day!  Sometimes he gets up around midnight for some extra food, but that's okay.  He thens sleeps until the morning (unless his father is around, then he sometimes gets up to say hi to Daddy.... !). Upon awaking he is ready for a nap after about 2 hours.  Craziness!

I suppose if I were as small and crazy and energetic as that child I might need lots of sleep too.  He still seems to be exuding at least as much passion and zest and energy as Jake, maybe even double that amount.  Being that crazed is a lot of work.  :)  It does make for a very cute package of energy though!

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