Bentley found some gravel in the parking lot at church yesterday. This is his first big scrape, and I wish I could say it happened on someone else's watch instead of mine. He took it very well though and after a few "owwwhs" shook it off and moved on. Poor kid - he was laughing and running at the same time and tripped on his sandals. OUCH! I'm sure there will be more scrapes and bruises in his future but I'm not looking forward to them.
Poor Bentley! He looks tough though! :) Every boys dream!!
Reid fell off of the bed this morning. Yes, you should report me to Child Protective Services.
I was taking care of my sick kid (Finn--he has a high fever) and rinsing the syringe from his Motrin...I was literally 12 feet away for 10 seconds. Anyway, on the floor he went. Poor guy. I felt so bad!!
The joys of Motherhood!!
It looks SO bad! I'm glad he was so good about it! I think it's always worse for us moms then it actually is for the kid! :D
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