Sunday, September 23, 2007

Competitive screaming

When one baby screams it very quickly turns into two babies screaming... I think they both have a sense that if they don't scream louder than their sibling than they're "losing"... I'm not sure what they're losing, but I know that I'm losing my hearing (and sanity). Friday started out with some healthy lung exercise... so I knew we needed something special to make it through the day. Out came Mom's favorite shirts... read closely. :-)

They both love mommy, the shirts remind me. Since they can't speak yet the shirts speak for them (I hope!). :-) Notice Genevieve is even smiling in the picture - I had a few with Jackson smiling, but Genevieve wasn't smiling at the same time. Of course not... since I've already posted a picture of his smile I figured it was her turn. We think she might have a dimple, we have to coax a few more big grins out of her before a final determination can be made though!
I was speaking with someone today about God's clever plan, in making babies so darn cute - they have to be awfully lovable and adorable to make it easy for us to block out all the screaming, the lack of sleep, and the hardwork... it's a good thing Jackson and Genevieve have cute down pat already.

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