Saturday, January 26, 2008

Snapshot: the 7 month old babies!

It's almost midnight here in Florida, but I have 4 hours left of the twinks 7 month birthday if I go by Alaska time. :-)

7 -months old - that's a big number! I know every number gets larger than the last, but I was focusing on getting to the 6 month birthday and didn't spend any time preparing myself for the numbers that keep coming after that. Genevieve and Jackson are on their way to turing 1 year old. Very scary!

I realized today I haven't posted my new "snapshot" feature for either of the twins yet. So I'm going to be tricky and double it up with their birthday post.

So here we go...

Genevieve's favorite color: pink, of course! Ok - to be honest - I am not 100% positive on this one. But I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that I'm right because otherwise she might be a little irritated that pink seems to show up in 90% of her outfits. What can I say? I went overboard, because I was so excited to be buying little girl clothing to go with all the cute little boy clothing I already had!

Jackson's favorite game: peek-a-bo always produces hysterical laughter. Like his smile, Jackson's laugh is huge and addictive - we can't get enough of it!

Genevieve's favorite activity: tummy time! She will happily spend hours on the flour working on her mobility skills.

Jackson's favorite person: anyone with arms who is near by and willing to hold him. This boy is a huge cuddle bug and would probably enjoy spending 99.9% of his time in warm arms if given the opportunity. He amply rewards the arm providers with plenty of drool filled smiles. What more could a person hope for?!

Genevieve's "nature" in 1 word: this is a tough one, and I imagine it will change with age. I started out with stoic, but that wasn't quite the right word. I tried out reserved for size and it wasn't quite right either. I have settled on temperate. According to it means: "moderate or self-restrained; not extreme in opinion, statement, etc". In 1 word this is as close as I can get.

It takes hard work to get big reactions out of Genevieve. She's very good natured (as long as food and sleep are provided on a regular basis) and will provide great smiles and conversation on occasion, but she isn't given to an excess of emotion. Not quick to laugh, but also not prone to fits, unlike...

Jackson's "nature" in 1 word: the first words that keep popping to mind are words like excitable, fussy, fretful... but that's not totally fair! Jackson can get very upset (much easier than his sister), but he can also be quite the cheerful little charmer. I think I'll have to settle for extrovert at this point - although I think it's a bit of a cheat as it's quite an encompassing term. The "glaring" Jackson personality at this point is "hold me, hold me, don't leave me alone at!". So we'll be positive and say it's all because he's quite the extrovert! Wait wait - I checked out the online thesaurus and dictionary, and if I want a word more parallel to Genevieve's I'll have to go with unconstrained. Genevieve is not extreme, but Jackson shows no constraints to reign in his moods - be they good or bad. :-)

The "alpha": is currently Genevieve. She're more likely to take the initative and approach her brother for a friendly face swipe than he is to approach her. I figure this is only fair as all ultrasounds of the twins showed Jackson as the aggressor - kicking his sister in the head, using her belly as a pillow, and positioning himself so that no matter what he'd be first out of that cramped growing chamber. It's Genevieve's turn to be in charge! I should note Genevieve only gets alpha status if we're just ranking the twins. Bentley has been working VERY hard lately to enforce his status as top dog on the totem pole. I'm not sure the twins are getting the message, but he keeps trying to beat it (literally, but in a cheerful manner of course!) into them.

Other 7 month news (or non-news, as it may be)... the twins aren't eating solids yet (we need to get working on that, but first they have to learn to swallow!) so I can't share stories of favorite foods. The twins don't read yet, so I can't share favorite books - although - Genevieve is learning to turn pages and Jackson likes to look along while Bentley reads with whatever adult he can capture. Crawling (in a rapid forward motion) has not quite arrived, but both babies practice dilligently for hours a day. Hopefully they'll reap the rewards of the labors soon.

and... that's it for now! No other notable news (that I can recall!) for the 7 month post; so we'll close with some of the action shots from the crawling practice sessions:

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