Bentley loves to watch country music videos. It's probably his favorite form of tv. We don't do it regularly, but every few months I tape a few hours of CMTV and we check out the latest videos.
His all time favorite video is "International Harvester" by Craig Morgan. It features a combine and that's pretty cool in his opinion. He likes to watch this video on YouTube when he can get someone with a computer to indulge him. Before "International Harvester" he really liked Rodney Atkins' "Watching You" which co-starred Atkins' four year son.
These two videos are not typical of his usual favorites. Usually he likes videos featuring female singers. He really enjoys all of Taylor Swift's videos and Sugarland's videos. He likes Carrie Underwood, too, even her most recent video which isn't upbeat or interesting.
Not only does he prefer female singers, he gets down right ornery when videos featuring male singers come on. He demands--shrieks!--that we get rid of them. Brad Paisley has a new video where he talks for a bit at the start before singing and that really sends Bentley into a tail spin. No! No! No!

He has such definite preferences that I can't fully enjoy watching videos with him because he refuses to watch half the videos or more--some of which I want to see! Of course I find most everything Bentley does amusing, so his preferences rule. How is that going to work when Viva and Jake get a little older and start voicing their preferences?! It's probably a good thing Bentley has siblings or he would be spoiled rotten. But then again, Kara was an only child and she wasn't spoiled rotten. She's quite delightful in my--admittedly biased--opinion.
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