Jackson and Genevieve had their 2 month check in yesterday. Their Dr. was very impressed with their weight gain, they have made it onto the growth charts!
Genevieve weighed in at 10 lbs 6 oz (50th %) and 22 inches (30%), and Jackson weighed in at 10 lbs 12 oz (25th %) and 21.5 inches (10th %). I think Jackson might have another inch in him if he would ever straighten his neck and back out! At this same age Bentley was at 10 lbs 8 oz and 22 inches, so they're neck and neck with him. Very impressive since they were born 6 weeks early. I can't believe Genevieve is in the 50th % for weight. Yikes, must be that special high calorie preemie formula!
For the physical/intellectual milestones the twins are still behaving more like newborns than 2 month old babies. This is because they will most likely develop skills (like discovering their hands, smiling to interact with us, etc) based on their adjusted age - when they were due, not when they were actually born. At this age Bentley was already giving us huge grins, and cooing and ahhing with us. I can't wait until the twins can interact with us a little more!
The Dr. gave Jackson a prescription for reflux medication, and we'll see if it helps with the incessant arching and screaming. I hope so, the poor kid seems so unhappy half the time... Here'a picture of Genevieve and Jackson showing off their bandaids from their four immunizations each. Ouch!

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