Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Deceptive Advertising

This baby looks angelic, but according to his housemates he is not. They all claim that he has become a horrible bedmate. He cries and shrieks and only sleeps in short spurts. Since everyone in the Altman household is currently sleeping in the same bed (an after effect of the flu last week), everyone is suffering from his disruptive behavior. (Well, to be perfectly truthful his mom says that Genevieve sleeps through his crying fits. She's had lots of practice enduring his antics. This is nothing compared to what he put her through in the womb.) Bentley has been sleeping in until noon to make up for sleep lost during the night--though I must say he still looks pretty wiped out. Jackson's mom and dad would love to sleep until noon, too, but there's that job that dad has to go to and mom has to get up to entertain Genevieve. We decided to bring Jackson home with us tonight to see just how bad it is. He sure looks cute...

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