Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy 6 months, twinks!

It's hard to believe that Genevieve and Jackson are already half a year old - in some ways, at least! The harried lifestyle we currently live makes it seem like they've been with us much longer than a few short months, and their amazing growth also seems like it should have taken more than 178 (give or take a few!) days to achieve.

What's new with these awesome little tykes?

Both of the twins have great big belly laughs now, although it's rare that I can coax those laughs out of them - I get little chuckles for my efforts but their father gets the big laughs. Not fair!

Genevieve and Jackson are EXCELLENT drool machines. We hope they're working on some teeth because we can't think of any other good excuses for the amount of salivia they produce. :-)

Genevieve is thinking of crawling. If only she could hold up her head AND tuck her legs under at the same time... right now she drags her head along the ground as she tries to push. The pace is closer to snail than cheetah, but I'm always happy to sit and cheer her on ! Jackson, on the other hand, is normally content to relax and enjoy the world around him. At this point in his young life he sees no merit in excessive physical exertion. Maybe that will change if Genevieve takes off soon? We'll see!

Once in a while (finally!) the twins hold hands. Normally it's Jackson grabbing for Genevieve. It doesn't last long because he'll start to chew on her hand, she'll get a very disturbed expression, and the interlude will be over. Oh well - it's cute while it lasts.

They still haven't quite learned the trick of swallowing food. To be fair to the babes, they haven't been given an excessive number of opportunities to try. I figure feeding them solids will be time consuming enough at some near point in the future - so why rush it?

Lastly, the twinks are turning into gab machines! Genevieve is more vocal (and much louder!) than Jackson and will even hold long conversations on the phone. If you catch Jackson in the right reflective mood, however, he is willing to share a number of insightful thoughts.

It is very rewarding to have the twins be so interactive and social lately, it certainly makes taking care of them more fun. We can't wait to see what happens in the next six months as they become mobile with crawling and walking! Or can we wait... ??? Perhaps we should encourage sedentary play for a while longer!

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