Aren't those nifty? And just think. I can reuse them for him when he turns 82! Or I could be more practical and offer them for Great-Grandpa's 82nd birthday next year. We'll see if I can even manage to remember I own them for 10 months.
Some numberworthy facts... Matt points out how cool it is that he is 28 and the year is 2008. Of course, after a moment of reflection he also pointed out that he was 27 in 2007, 26 in 2006... and so forth. That whole being born at the beginining of a decade makes every year cool like that. :-) This year Matt is 7 times as old as the kids combined age. When he turns 30 he'll only be 3 times as old as their combined age. They gain quickly.
Matt had a church meeting tonight, and being the upstanding and outstanding church member that he is (thank you, honey!) he decided that skipping in favor of a birthday night just wasn't right. So instead we celebrated last night. Which was okay with me.
Chicken alfredo for dinner, and rhubarb cake for dessert. To top it off - some fun gifts.
Here are the boys playing with Matt's new Wii (yes, I know I'm a year or two behind the curve - but it's still a big moment in our house, me letting a gaming system enter it - and even being the one to go purchase the system! Perhaps Nintendo's clever marketing plan of the Wii Fit to women lured me in?):

They're shooting ducks in the above picture although you can't see the TV screen. Bentley doesn't entirely get it yet but I'm sure he'll learn quick. Little kids are scary like that. I'll have to keep an eye on him.
Thanks for all the fun times this past year, Matt! We look forward to another excellent year with you.
Happy Birthday, Matt!
I love 'numbers'...I guess that's why I am a research analyst! One super cool thing I calculated last year is that my birthday is November 12th...and on 11/12/13 I will turn 36 (11+12+13=36). Craaaaaazy!
I am jealous of the Wii, but will use you as our experimental group. We are a non-gaming household (though we do have the one system-not sure of the name-that has the Dance, Dance Revolution game, which we bought ONLY for this game...and I had no clue that you actually had to buy the consol, etc. to play the game---oops! Of course, Brook went with it!) but have thought about purchasing a Wii. Do let us know how you like it and if you think it is worth it. I think it would be fun and maybe get me to do some exercising!
Thanks for the puzzle advice. I do go to OUAC all the time and have purchased a couple of puzzles (and other M&D toys there). I LOVE their $1 rack. I've got winter gear for the next few years!
We love our Wii; we just do not have it hooked up currently! (having a tv packed away in a box does that to you!)
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