Maybe I need to start going at least a LITTLE more crazy. In conversation tonight Matt told Bentley he needed to be good or Santa Claus might not come... and what did Bentley say to that?
"No! I don't want Santa to come!". Daddy said: "What if Santa just comes to bring gifts to Viva & Jake, would that be okay?". Bentley says: "No! No Santa!".
Apparently I didn't read the parenting manual section on child indoctrination into the whole Santa Claus thing. It suddenly occurred to me, as Matt was discussing Santa, that I don't think we've ever mentioned the guy to our children before. Oops. Don't get me wrong - Bentley had a stocking & gifts from Santa Christmas morning last year & the year before, of course. We're not THAT remiss in our Western parenting! I just haven't ever really gotten into the whole Santa thing with him, or talked it up at all.
A little later upstairs I brought up this oversight to the grandparents. They tried to explain Santa to the kid, convince him that maybe we should let him in the house. How did it go?
Bentley asked if Santa is a man. We said yes, I thought we were making progress...
Nope. He informed us that Santa is a bad man.
We have a bit of work to do still.
Bentley, saying "Come again?! Who is this crazy man you call Santa??":

HAHAHAHA...Too funny! Millikins has not gotten the concept of Santa yet either; but so does like watching the Polar Express that goes to see Santa. Every train now is the Santa train. Maybe that's our progress this year.
We have successfully indoctrinated Macy. I threatened her at nap time today that Santa wouldn't bring her presents if she didn't go to sleep. A while later I heard I crying and when I went in she said she was said Santa wouldn't bring her presents now.
Hmmm....I haven't even thought about this one yet! But judging by the look on B's face in this blogpost, perhaps we should start looking for some sort of manual!
Can't wait to see photos of Mexico...and I'm glad to hear that the boxes are almost unpacked. I can't even imagine combining three households. Do you have three Kitchenaid mixers? Ahh...that would be a dream!
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