Monday, July 05, 2010

Bentley & Steak

Because it is summer time, Daddy & child camp fire trips have been occurring.  Jake?  Jake would like to go out and build a campfire every night.  Viva?  Viva thinks it's fun (although I'm not sure she's gone yet this year - we'll have to work on that!).  Bentley?  Bentley has some issues with camp fires.  Camp fire sounds too much like camping, I guess, even if we promise the tent is not in the car.  Camp fires, he tells us, are too smokey.

Daddy finally figured out how to get Bentley on board with the camp fire fun idea:

Bentley loves steak. Loves it so much he took a picture of dinner, in fact!  Every Sunday night, when we head up the hill for time with Grandma Karen & Grandpa Tim, Bentley asks "is there steak?  where's the steak?!".  He's obsessed.  Not a bad thing since he doesn't eat much else!

Once he learned that steak could be cooked over the campfire, he hopped in the car and headed off to the store and the woods with his Dad.  A happy camper.

That big smile in the picture is for a graham cracker.  Matt tells me Bentley never did decide to try a roasted marshmallow.  His loss, I guess?!

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