I bet you all wondering which of my three adorable grandchildren I am labeling hellion. Truth to tell, they all have their moments of loud, boisterous, unrestrained behavior. Even Viva, although her rebellions tend to be quiet. She likes to glare rather than slam doors and throw objects. Bentley and Jake can put a on good show if they are riled enough by a sibling or an authority figure. However, the hellion I wanted to discuss today is the new kitty Rameses.
He went on a rampage Tuesday morning. First he knocked a ceramic pumpkin off the window sill, shattering it. The children ran over to investigate and while I tried to get them away from the sharp shards, Rameses was busy batting the broken pieces around.
Next Rameses went into the formal dining room (AKA children's library nook) and checked out the plants there. He tried to take a bite out of my emerging narcissus leaves. I nabbed him and told him a firm "No!".
He then sauntered over to the largest plant pot in the house and took a little rest in it. Needless to say he covered himself in loose dirt. Again I said "No!".
He visited the narcissus pot again.
Since the ceramic pumpkins were in danger, I removed them all from the window sill and took them downstairs to put away with the Halloween decorations. Rameses followed me downstairs. I ignored him and went back up.
BIG MISTAKE. He took out a dracaena plant before coming back upstairs. Mark found the mess when he went downstairs at lunch time. I had to haul out the vacuum and clean up the mess. The plant survived.
I haven't lived with a kitten for 14 years. I remembered how much fun they were. I forgot how much work they are. Kittens are easily litter trained and you can leave a bowl of food out for them 24-7 so there's no worry about not being there for them at meal time. They don't need to be taken on daily walks. They are low maintenance in all of those ways. However, they sure can get into a lot of trouble. Even a very young kitty can get up on counters, tables, window sills, desk tops, dresser tops, etc. Nothing is safe.

He doesn't look like a hellion, but don't be fooled. He can be one. Fortunately, he can also be a good kitty.
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