Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nap Time at our House

Nap time... unfortunately, it comes to an end. I love the idea of a daily "breather" in the middle of the day. But those darn kids keep getting bigger!

Bentley rarely naps. I suppose as he is almost five I can live with that. He lays down and "tries" to nap for a little bit, but he rarely gives into that type of trickery!

Viva naps about half the time. Her idea of a perfect nap time involves lots of books to look at quietly. She doesn't sleep all the time but she's good about the idea of nap time.

Jake, my precious child, is a great napper. And he needs his nap still. He sleeps for 2 hours every day, and would be happy to sleep for longer. Waking him up is tricky business. He doesn't wake up happy (he got that from his father).

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