Thursday, July 07, 2011


Jake handed me a pencil on Tuesday and asked "Grandma, can you put the thing that colors paper on it?" Huh? I looked at him blankly. Finally my brain started processing what he meant. Obviously he wanted it sharpened. I'm not sure about the colors part of the request. When I asked him for verification, he told me that yes he wanted the pencil sharpened so he could draw with it.

I've heard some women complain that living with small children is a dumbing down experience. They have the same low level conversations day after day. They long for intelligent banter. Not me. Maybe my grandchildren are exceptional (I'm sure they are, but aren't all children exceptional?!) because they keep me on my toes mentally. Their daily barrage of questions about how the world works would keep Einstein engaged.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I feel the same way Julia!! I love being home with my kids and see how they explore the world. It makes everything SO much more interesting.