Friday, July 06, 2012


I've mentioned a few times how Viva likes to skate under the radar. She doesn't call attention to herself. She doesn't usually like to show off her knowledge or skills. Bentley and Jake are show-offs; if they know it, they flaunt it. Consequently there are times when Kara and I wonder if Viva is as bright as her brothers. But then Viva says something brilliant and we know then that there is a lot more going on in her head than she shares with us.

Today she came home from a shopping trip and walked into the kitchen area and said to me "Look! This is my penny."

I glanced over to where she was proudly displaying her coin and I noticed it was not a penny, it was a quarter. I said to her "That's not a penny. It's a quarter."

Her response: "I know it's a quarter. I named it Penny."

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