Saturday, January 12, 2013

Viva, Sunset, and Twilight

I think a while back we discussed Viva's dolls and mentioned that they don't have names.

Breaking news!  About a month ago she gave baby doll a name.  The name settled upon after much contemplation?


Huh??  Strangely enough, until today I didn't think to just ask her WHY she named her doll Sunset.

For Christmas Viva received another doll - an American Girl Doll, Marie Grace to be exact.  Viva likes her (and I myself find it strangely soothing to brush her hair... !).  I figured that since the doll came with a name that would make it easy on Viva.

But Viva doesn't do easy.  She told me that she wasn't going to call her Marie Grace.  Her name?  Twilight.

I didn't ask, again.

Until today!

Tonight she was dressing Twilight and I said:

"So... are you still calling her Twilight?"

"Her full name is Twilight Sparkle, but I call her Twilight for short."

"How did you come up with the name Twilight?"  (I was thinking she's a bit young for the Twilight vampire books, but that sure is the first thing that pops into MY head when she says Twilight!"

"Because it goes nicely with Sunset."

"And how did you come up with the name Sunset?"

"Because my mind is a good thinker and my thinker is a good mind!"

I laughed so hard.  Then I told her to stay right there, I'd be back, and I ran to write the conversation down.  I love this girl!

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