Thursday, February 21, 2013

Prayer Time

One of the advantages of older siblings is all the information about how things "work" that is available for a little person to soak in long before his parents might think he's able/ready to understand them!  Lincoln is the best little prayer.  Whenever he hears the words "time to pray" he promptly folds his arms nice and tight and keeps them folded until we're all done!  He is very reverent (and cute).  He's great at meal time prayers, night time prayers, and anytime prayers!

The above picture was snapped at the beginning of Family Home Evening time earlier this week and provides a deceptive perception that there is something of the calm about our FHE time.  I wish that were the case, but I'm pretty sure that the closer it is to bedtime the more my children bounce off the walls. They have a master plan to drive me completely batty.  :)

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