Monday, March 10, 2014

More Snow Fun

Last Wednesday we had yet another snow dump. It was very wet snow. I decided to go and collect my mom's newspaper from the end of the driveway rather than ask the twins to retrieve it. Before I could get out the front door I was waylaid by Evan and Lincoln. They insisted on joining me. I threw Evan in Lincoln's snowsuit and then helped Lincoln with his coat, snow boots, and mittens (mismatched). My trip down the driveway was already taking a lot more effort and time than I had planned on!

When the boys and I got to the end of the driveway this is what we saw:

Exactly where was the newspaper in its bright orange bag? I could see no suspicious lumps under the snow. I spent a minute or two shuffling around at the end of the driveway trying to find it. Lincoln meanwhile had walked off into the cul-de-sac, so I had to go and grab him. As I tracked after him I spotted the missing newspaper--he'd stepped on it! Eureka!

I handed the paper to Lincoln and set Evan down for a minute:

Here's Lincoln trudging back up the driveway carrying great-grandma's treasure:

Later that afternoon the twins and Lincoln went outside to play in the snow. The twins built a sled run up by our terraced perennial bed. I'm not sure it's safe to sled over a brick wall, even a short one, but I didn't make them stop. I did ask them to add some snow to try and cover the wall up a little more. They did, but then they started sledding in another spot that wasn't covered. 

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