Some random (and fascinating to me, but maybe not you!) facts about Evan:

1) He detests sharks. Which is a shame since he has two cute shark shirts that he refuses to wear. I believe it has something to do with a shark tub toy and his father's idea of humor that was not humorous to the two year old.
2) He has, in the words of Grandma, the temper of Jake and the stubbornness of Viva. It's a might package in such a small creature. I am often tempted to give in to him to keep the peace, but I try my best not to!
3) He LOVES ice cream and fruit snacks. It would be interesting, for the sake of science, to see just how much ice cream (and how many bags of fruit snacks?!) he would eat if allowed to self regulate. In the interest of being a good parent I've resisted the urge to find out, however. :)
4) When he is upset he juts his front jaw forward and clenches it. It's awfully cute even if he is trying to look fierce.
5) He still loves his giraffe-blankie. He carries it everywhere and hasn't yet slept a night without it in his two year long life! I couldn't find it last night and it was a rough hour or two until super Dad tracked it down when he made it home. Probably trying to atone for his part in creating the shark situation (see #1 above). :)
6) He has almost graduated to being called Evan, and not just baby! This past month Lincoln has finally mastered Evan's name. So now we can move on from calling him baby and refer to him as the Evan creature!
7) He has awesome jumping and somersaulting skills. He attempts headstands but isn't quite there. We try to cut him some slack since he's only two. :)
Lastly, the bonus final fact:
He's brilliant. I may be biased but we think this kid is a genius!
Love you, Evan baby!