Saturday, November 22, 2014

Library Preschool Story Time

The library has a preschool story time--six or seven sessions every week. Kara and I took the older three a few times when they were younger. Maybe Lincoln went as a baby with them; I can't remember that long ago. I can tell you that once Evan came along, we stopped going. The older children would have been reaching the upper age limit and it was just too chaotic to take five children to story hour when only one of them was age appropriate. Such is the downside of being number four in a large family. (Fortunately there are a lot of upsides to compensate for any downsides.)

The point is that Evan had never been to story hour. I took him and Lincoln two weeks ago. The purpose of the trip wasn't to attend story hour, but when I realized that we would be arriving at the right time I decided to attend with the little boys. Both Lincoln and Evan were quite entertained by the librarian and the three dozen plus toddlers with their parents. 

Just two weeks later we found ourselves back at the library in the morning again! Lincoln, Evan, I and Viva attended story hour! Jake, Bentley, and Kara joined us afterwards and the older children searched out some new reading material.

The library is an awesome place to visit.

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