Earlier this month Opa went to Michigan for a week to visit his family. While he was gone our bedroom was turned into a slumber party room. This came about because I'm a grandma and I hate to say no to my grandchildren.
Bentley came in the first afternoon Opa was gone and asked if he could sleep in our bed that night since Opa was gone. I said sure. An hour later Jake came in and asked the same question. I told him Bentley had already asked about tonight, so he'd have to wait until tomorrow night. A half hour after that Viva came in and asked to spend the night. I told her she'd have to wait for two nights because her brothers had already talked to me. She burst into tears. (She was still recovering from the flu and rather fragile.)
The thing is Viva seldom asks for special privileges. I felt really badly that she was at the end of the list. Again. So I told the kids they could all sleep in our room that night, although only one of them could sleep on the bed. We have a comfy couch in our room that the children sometimes sleep on (maybe once a month--much, much less often for Viva) and we had a spare twin mattress in our room that week because of the kids being sick the week before.
The end result is that I had three guests in my room most nights while opa was gone. I asked them how all of them sleeping in my room was different than all of them sleeping in their room--just next door!--in their comfy beds? They said it just was.
The spare mattress on the floor was an irresistible draw for the little boys during the day. They insisted on jumping on it. I moved it away from my bed with its footboard because I was worried someone would get hurt. Evan still managed to smash into the footboard and acquire a huge fat lip. After that I tried storing the mattress upright:
I rearranged the room, pulling the couch out of the alcove because it's very cold there at night. The little boys were able to set up a train layout and leave it set up for a few days.
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