Tuesday, January 01, 2013

My Little Man at 3 Months

Our littlest is 3 months old today.  It seems like he has been here with us longer, in some ways, but in other ways I can't believe how old he is and how quickly he is growing on me.  I don't want him to be tiny forever, but I will still miss snuggles with my little baby.

Evan is very cheerful, when you catch him at the right time.  He has a great giggle, and loves to talk.  He also has a short fuse!  He lets us know, right away, if he's unhappy.  He's happy to play on his own, for a time, but when he is done he is done.  And he lets us know in a loud way.  I guess that's what you have to do when you're the youngest of 5 and you want to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner!

Despite the loud voice he is still adored by all.  Lincoln is always ready to hold out his hands to take baby brother and cart him off to play.  Not that I hand him over!  It doesn't stop Lincoln from hoping that maybe the next time he asks he'll get a different answer... :)  Poor Lincoln, he needs Evan to be just a bit bigger already!

Jake adores Evan, and tells me all the time that he's just the cutest little baby.  I agree.

Viva likes to hold her brother and is my biggest helper when it comes to bottles.  She has a knack for convincing Evan to finish his bottles, and to do so nicely!

Bentley continues to be a great older brother.  He's not quite as over the top in his adoration as Jake is, and is not as into baby feeding or holding.  But he is willing to put in the time/play with Evan when asked.  And he enjoys coaxing smiles and conversation out of his littlest brother.

We love you, little guy!

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