Friday, March 22, 2013

Nature Kaleidoscope Kits

Last week the trio made kaleidoscopes using a kit. The kits were some of the best art kits I have ever had the pleasure of working with. First the trio built the kaleidoscopes by taping three mirrors (i.e. high quality reflective foil) into a triangular prism and then sliding them into the cardboard tube. 

The next step was to color the nature scene provided and then tape it around the tube.

The final step was to add rocks, beads, marbles, and dried flowers to the container and insert the container into the tube.

Now check out all the cool patterns made. 

Okay, so they cheated and checked out the patterns before doing the coloring. I should have take a photo of the final product, but I think Viva is still coloring hers. Fun was had and that's what's really important, right?

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