Sunday, May 12, 2013

Off to South Dakota

My Bentley, Jake, and Lincoln are off!  With their father, not alone, of course.  They headed off in the sky to South Dakota with an 8 hour layover in Minneapolis.  When you use mileage tickets you don't always get the best layovers... !  Matt wasn't keen on hanging out at the airport for 8 hours so he planned an adventure to the Mall of America with the boys.  Brave man, I don't think I would have done it.  Sounds like they all had fun though, and they have now safely arrived at their destination.

(Pretend that 2 of the pictures aren't sideways. Picasa and I were having some major disagreements on rotating and if it should be *allowed*. The computer won.)

They had the chance to visit with Great-Grandpa Roy this morning and they made it to Grandma Vicki's late afternoon.  Just in time to spend part of Mother's Day with her, yay!  We talked on Facetime tonight and I think Lincoln was excited to see us in Daddy's iPad.  I would love to know what little kids think about technology.  Do they understand that they are seeing a picture of another place or do they think that wherever they are not does not exist?  In Lincoln's opinion are all of us at home living in the iPad for now?

Who knows.

In any case, I'm glad we have technology that allows us to connect even when apart.  And I'm glad we have the ability to go visit family that's far away and have some great adventures.  My fingers and toes are crossed the rest of the week goes well for them!

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