Friday, December 06, 2013

Bentley on Books & Karate

I am seven years old and I have read 376 books that are at least 100 or more pages. Reading is fun. Dragonrider is my longest book. It was 523 pages. Dragonrider has a brownie, a magical creature that was like a cat, and it has a dragonrider, a boy named Ben. It was really fun. There was a metal dragon called the Golden One who tried to kill all the dragons.

 I am a blue belt in karate. The blue belt is the fourth belt. Being a blue belt means you get to lead at some katas. When you become a blue belt you can go to the advanced classes except for weapon classes. The advanced classes are really hard. They do really hard katas. That's good. I'm done.

Thanks Bentley!

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