One of the parenting books I plodded through recently (How to Behave so Your Toddler Will Too) suggested that periodically you (and your child when they're old enough to talk/write) answer a set of questions about the child, to provide a fun journal to look back on. Bentley can't talk yet so I figured I'd start off with some questions/answers about him that I'm sure I can get right!

Current favorite book(s): This varies week to week, as he tends to fixate on a few particular books for about a week at a time, then the agony (for the adult reader involved!) ends and we get a new selection. Currently he favors Goodnight Gorilla, Finding Nemo, and We're Going on a Bear Hunt (although only the first 5 pages of this last book - then we have to start over, and over, and over...).
Favorite food: Brownies, without a doubt in my mind! My reasoning? This is the one food he NEVER refuses and it's also the one food he can't seem to get enough of. I'm always the one who has to say "you've had enough"!
Bed time: 11:00 p.m. - when we're on schedule! We've been working to institute a 10:30 - 11:00 p.m. reading time in his room before bed, but he oftens convinces us to read just one or two more books. I have to include his bed time in this snapshot so when he's older he can't claim we were overly strict parents! I should mention he doesn't get up until 10:30 in the morning so this bedtime isn't robbing him of necessary sleep. :-)
Favorite activities: Abstract art work using crayon and marker media, pushing trains around the track and down ramps, playing with his crash and wreck racecars, thrill seeking through chair diving (see previous Cabin Fever post!), wrestling with his siblings (he normally wins), and reading. Bentley is always up for a good read-a-thon.
Newest words: Why? Penguin. Blanket. Three, two, three go (he hasn't mastered one yet!).
Most Commonly Used words: Yeah! Go. No way.
Favorite color: This is a tough one. I have no idea - so lets say his favorite color is the one he can say? That would make it yellow!
Fears: the monster under the drain in the bath tub. You might wonder where on earth he would get the idea there's a monster down there? That would be thanks to his Father, who recently realized that children won't know to be scared of monsters in the closet, under the bed, in the bath tub, etc... unless someone takes on the important responsibility of letting the toddler know those creatures exist. Thanks a lot, Dad!
Current aspiration: Bentley yearns for the ability to open the pantry door all on his own - it would make his access to the 10 lb bag of chocolate chips less restricted. Hopefully he'll talk more soon so he can share some of his other goals, although I have a feeling talking in sentences (or even with more than 50 words!) is not extremely high on his goal list.
and... that's it for now! Stay tuned for upcoming snapshots about the twinks!