The twins went in for their 6 month well baby check up this morning, and are now busy sleeping off their 4 vaccinations a piece. Being a baby is not a fun job all the time!
The visit went well and despite many predictions to the contrary (myself included in that group), Jackson is maintaining his slight weight edge on his sister - but Genevieve has managed to whittle it down to a mere 3 oz difference:
Genevieve: 16 lbs even (45th%), 26 3/4 inches (75th%)
Jackson: 16 lbs 3 oz (25th%), 26 1/2 inches (40th%)
They're both moving up on their growth charts - go, go, grow twins! Jackson's head is now a bit larger than Bentley's was at the same age (non-adjusted age, that is). There's my random trivia.
In other news from the appointment, we asked the Dr. to take a look (feel would be more correct!) at Genevieve's soft spot on her head. It seems to us it has grown quite a bit in the past week or two. The Dr. verified that we're correct in thinking she has an unusually large soft spot - he tells us that means her brain is growing quickly and her head can't keep up. Hmmm... :-)
The twins were complimented on their ability to sit, which is a sign that their neurological development is on track - in fact, they're ahead of where the Dr. would expect them to be! Their skills with reaching and grabbing are, however, more in line with their adjusted age still. As for other baby tricks, Genevieve impressed the Dr. with her ability to stand. Jackson, on the other hand, was feeling out of character (he was channeling Genevieve I guess) and insisted on jumping and bouncing instead of demonstrating an ability to stand. :-)
I'll close with a picture of one of our neurologically on track children demonstrating the fine art of sitting. :-)

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