Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cranky Jackson

I was planning to write an upbeat post about Jackson (I recently posted about Genevieve and so did Kara, so a Jackson post is definitely overdue), but life is not upbeat for Jackson currently. He's not a happy baby. Oh, he has short, brief periods of happiness, but the vast majority of the time when he's awake he is very cranky. VERY.

Did I mention he's sick? So is Genevieve, but she's much quieter in her misery and she has much longer periods of normal, happy baby behavior between the bouts of cranky, ill baby behavior. Jackson does not handle illness well. He pretty much wants constant adult attention when he's awake. If left on his own, he grouses in a shrill cry. Just a few minutes with him doing that sets your nerves on edge. You want to leave the room or, as his parents joke, put him in another room by himself. Of course, that's not very nurturing of us, so we resist the urge to do so, but, I have to admit, it's a persistent temptation.

But then there are those times when he's too miserable to even grouse. He just lies there with big tears in his eyes and then we all feel bad that we haven't been more attentive. However, with two other sick little ones (yes, Bentley has been sick, too!), there's just not enough adult energy to go around. Matt is a walking zombie because the babies (primarily Jackson) don't let anyone sleep well at night. Kara visits us to have access to extra pairs of hands to hold cranky babies. It's been a long week for everyone--but probably longest for Jackson, poor little guy.

The cranky Jackson photo above doesn't do a great job of capturing the moment. I have a hard time getting Mark to take photos of the grandchildren when they're crying. He wants to comfort the baby rather than record the unhappy event. I think if you're documenting the life of a baby, you have to have at least a few crying baby photos since all babies cry at least a little. Of course, I haven't had him document diaper changing and that's another universal baby activity. Hmm... Well, here's another universal baby habit--napping! It's a relief for baby and caregiver.

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