Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

At the risk of sounding like we're complaining, this week we're thankful for...

good health!  we don't have it, but it sure is making us all appreciate what it was like to have it a week ago!  :-)  the kids have been hanging onto their colds and feeling miserable, so I hope they're back to partying soon

in the same vein, down time is something to be thankful for.  we've read lots of books, and played lots of game.  we've been hanging out and cuddling.

spring!  we're starting to see beautiful sunshine.  there's lots of snow out there still, but that's okay.  we now spring is on the way.

vocal cords.  it allows the kids to say all sorts of things that crack me up.  their intent isn't to provide humor, I'm sure, but I'm glad that they do.

lastly, but not least, Grandma Julia!  she has been humoring us and working extra hard to take care of us this week!  we appreciate that.

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