Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Great-Grandma's Hats

Great-grandma likes to crochet and knit. She makes afghans for all the grandchildren when they marry. Right now she is all caught up (i.e. has made afghans for all the married couples) and no one is currently engaged, so she has no afghan to work on. She decided to make a few hats from her scrap yarn.

The in-house great-grandchildren are taking full advantage of their onsite status. Great-grandma knits in the morning while she listens to talk radio. The children go down before breakfast and check out what she's doing. If she's close to finishing a hat, they wait it out and snag the hat for their very own.

This has been going on for a few weeks now, so the children have claimed two or three hats each. We've told them they cannot have any more. Great-grandma has other great-grandchildren that might like a hat of their own.

Bentley snagged the first couple of hats. They were both made from the same multi-colored yarn, so I tried to talk him into trading one out for something in a different color, but he was already quite attached to them and wouldn't budge.

Jake acquired a green hat that is too small for him and a pink and purple hat. Kara was concerned that the pink and purple hat would trouble his father, so we convinced Jake to turn them back in to great-grandma and ask her to make him an orange hat and a larger green hat. (She hasn't yet.)

Viva is the one that really scored because great-grandma likes to make pink and purple hats and so Viva grabbed those.

We gave Lincoln the green hat. He looks pretty good in it, but then he looks good in anything. He's a good looking baby!

After our three hat limit rule, great-grandma started making mittens. I don't know if the children asked for mittens or if she was tired of making hats, but now they have a new reason to visit her downstairs.

We should ask great-grandma to teach the grandchildren to knit!

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