Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Nutcracker

Grandma Karen took the boys to see the Nutcracker on Friday afternoon. She took Viva last year and the boys were so envious that she offered to take them this year. They dressed up in their suits. This photo taken on Kara's iPhone does not do them justice, but it's what was offered to me.

Grandma Karen said both Bentley and Jake were riveted the first half of the performance. I haven't been to the Nutcracker in years, so I don't remember how it's staged, but she mentioned something about the first half being more a play and the second half was the ballet. The boys enjoyed the second half, but not as much as the first half. They won't be asking to join Viva's ballet class.

Grandma Karen purchased them souvenirs. Can you believe they found swords at the Nutcracker? They brought home swords and crowns. I think they told me the show had a Pirate Rat King? (I googled it and there is a Pirate Mouse King. It's easy enough to confuse rats and mice when they are people size.) Both boys were excited about their new swords, but Bentley managed to curb his enthusiasm and help start decorating the Christmas tree. Jake was hardly any help at all. He was wild. I'll post more on the tree decorating later.

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