Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Move Over Suduko!

We have a new favorite game flavor of the month - chess, which is considered by some to be the ultimate strategy game.

I read an article, a few weeks back, about a pilot program in Chicago elementary schools involving teaching chess to the k-2 graders. It teaches patience, critical thinking, and strategy. Luckily for me I had just purchased a "teach your child chess" set at the yearly toy store sale last month!

(That's another post, me and my love of the Over the Rainbow toy store... )

Bentley has "played" chess on the iPad before, and once or twice with Matt, but I figured we should go for a more studied approach in our effort to really understand the game.

I think it's going well! He asks to play every day, so far he's played with me, Matt, and Grandma. I heard him talking up Opa the other day, and I have no doubt he'll try and persaude Great-Grandma to play. I think she mentioned she doesn't play chess, but I'm sure Bentley will be happy to share the rules. :)

He's pretty good, and getting better with every game! I'm enjoying the "chess books" we're using - I'm learning a few things myself!

I try to ensure he wins some games, I think it's important to taste success when you're trying something new. However, it's a tricky balance - if he wins too much then I think he has doubts about MY intelligence!

I asked him, after a carefully orchestrated (by me!) double win on his part, who was better at chess - me or him. He happily crowed: "I am better"!! I love it. :) I did throw a small wrench in his mind when I said... "but who taught you?". "Don't you think I must know SOMETHING about the game?!"

He conceded that I might have SOME skill.

I'm pretty sure that in a month or two I'll have to watch my king's back even closer - he gets better with every game, and it's fun to watch!

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