Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Lincoln: Busy Guy

It used to be that we could let Lincoln run loose on the main floor of the house once we had closed the library, bathroom and mudroom doors and the gates on the stairs going up and the stairs going down. He could not get into too much trouble. Those days are past.

He is now tall enough and strong enough to pull himself up on the dining rooms chairs. From the chair he can climb on the dining room table or the kitchen desk. He can grab anything on those surfaces which is often breakable stuff like Fiestaware plates or vases of flowers or iPads or even a laptop computer.

He climbs on the couch and pulls leaves off the ficus tree or he yanks the Spanish moss out of the pot. I had to remove one plant from the living room because he slips behind the couch and rocks the plant stand. He's a busy guy.

I have to keep him under close supervision. He stands on the dining room chairs and rocks them. He sits in Jake, Viva, and Bentley's chairs which are like his high chair but without the straps--it's easy for him to slide off and bang his head a few times on the way down. (The older children still occasionally do that when they are messing around.)

The worst part of all this is that we are going to have to go through it all again in a year. Or is that the best part?

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