Saturday, August 09, 2014

Everyday Life: July

Lincoln with his light saber and fireman's hat

Lincoln in a knight costume with sword
(AKA Viva's dress up doll)

Viva and Bentley with swords
Swords are still a very popular item in our home.

Jake with the ball hoop which hasn't been out of the closet for months.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Viva with the cape she created from packing paper.

The three older children arguing over who has to go down the hill (amongst the bees in the clover) to collect the basketball. I have since then put up a plastic fence to solve this dilemma.

Evan with his new favorite toy. He loves to punch the 26 letters out of the puzzle and scatter them across the floor along with the 12 shapes that go in the circles. We put the puzzles back together and he tears them back apart. Five or six rounds of this fun a day is our limit. 

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