Today was the big 3-0 for Bentley, who is now officially 2 1/2 years old (30 months, in other words). My 2 1/2 yr old is much different with his extra 6 months of age than the 2 yr old I knew just a few short months ago!
He's very passionate. When he feels we're not listening he shares his demands in VERY loud words. Charming? Not entirely. Loveable and slightly humorous? Always!
He's becoming more assertive and agressive - the little boy in him is demanding to be let out, I guess. :-)
He loves games - hide & seek is the new favorite. His variety of the game involves directing his father, Uncle, or Opa as to where exactly they should hide (as in: "Daddy, hide in kitchen!"), then a quick count to 10, and then inquiries to the bystanders as to where his prey has hidden if they didn't go where he told them to. He has a "seeking ball" (any ball will do, so far!) which he holds in the air while he hums and wanders around looking. Apparently it has powers to help find!
Lastly, Bentley is quite the vocal creature these days. All my worries about his langauge development were apparently unnecessary. He now picks up all sorts of new words on a daily basis. He also uses big (I think!) sentences. Today in the car: "Mommy, I see a dump truck go by over there". He comments on everything "Light, turn green now!". He loves to help - policing twins (he feels this is important), baking in the kitchen, putting away laundry, and picking up toys, picking strawberries and watering plants with Dad, ... one of his favorite phrases is"I help!". We also frequently hear the demand: "Stop, wait for me!". His logical powers are developing. He was eating an after lunch snack of Reese's Cups and I told him the snack was over and I didn't have anymore to give him. His reply? "Mommy, go to store and get more Reese's".
He's a thinker, this boy!