Sunday, July 06, 2008

1 yr since the twinks invaded!

Okay... so invaded is not quite the word, I'm sure. But perhaps it is from Bentley's point of view.

Last year on July 6th we brought Jackson home from the NICU and Matt & I officially became outnumbered in our home by the little people. Back then they didn't look too scary:

We dragged out the carseats and blankets today to recreate this 1st picture:

The twins weren't entirely cooperative, insisting on playing with the blankets instead of posing nicely. :-) Still, you can tell they've grown a bit. It's quite amazing to me how much personality is now packed into their small bodies! They're a joy to have around. I can't say I miss the worrying about how much they were eating, all of the time spent feeding them in those early months, the lack of sleep, and all the intensive care involved in helping a newborn grown - x 2, that is.

I might miss holding my tiny babies - there is something about a newborn, after all - but as for my vote on what age is the most enjoyable with little ones? Our kids are more fun with every passing day. I love the growing interaction - the communication with me, and watching them communicate with each other and Bentley. I love the job of of helping them learn new skills and achieve new milestones. I love seeing their fun little personalities (as already mentioned!). I love watching them discover the world around them. Every day brings something new, and that makes every day even better than the one before.

Perhaps that opinion will change when teenagitis strikes our home; we'll have to wait and see! But for now? We're loving every minute and know we're blessed to have 3 perfect for us children to share our home with.

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