Thursday, October 11, 2007

Farewell, sweet hair!!

Bentley has gorgeous hair in my non biased opinion... it's thick and wavy, and it's so darn cute!! However at some point enough is enough. His hair grows rather quickly and he's already had 3 haircuts since turning 1. He should have had at least 1 or 2 before his 1st birthday, but that's another story!

I keep meaning to learn to cut his hair myself, in an effort to be thrifty and learn a new skill, and then I chicken out. No more...

I rented 5 books on hair cutting from the library and my friend loaned me a DVD on the topic. I've attentively watched at his last two hair cuts. Tomorrow is the day. Stay tuned for results from the hack job (and perhaps you should be ready to send Bentley sympathy cards?!).


Mommy said...

I cut Dallon's hair. It is not easy cuz they are squirmy and he hates the shaver. But I try to entertain him with something. Yesterday I used the scissors, so I sat him on the edge of the sink and let him put his feet in the water. It worked pretty well.


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Can't wait to see "the results"! I have to chuckle when I think about you sitting on your couch in your "spare time" watching DVDs on hair cutting!

Good luck, Bentley! May the force be with you.