Thursday, October 25, 2007

Joy Jumping

joy jumping n. Slang 1. Jumping done for fun and thrills. 2. A hazardous, reckless, often costly venture.

Last night Mark and I had great fun watching Bentley jumping on the downstairs couch. He would jump straight up and then pull his feet up so as to land on his butt on the cushions all the while laughing gleefully.

His mother was sitting on the other end of the couch. She did NOT approve of his activity. According to her, bed/sofa jumping is the number one cause of toddler injury. Probably true. She valiantly tried to discourage his jumping, but he was having such a good time her discipline attempts didn't penetrate his haze of joy. I truly think he was clueless that she was saying "No!" and he saw her restraining grabs as a game. The only thing that worked was holding him down.

It was quite the amusing show.

I think she's right that he shouldn't jump on the couch, but I really don't see how she's going to convince a 21-month old of that. He's so CUTE--I certainly can't deny him his fun. I sure hope she doesn't make it a rule that we can't baby-sit him UNLESS we restrict his couch jumping. Of course, since he doesn't talk well yet, how would she know what goes on when she's not around? Don't you think two years old is soon enough to learn the no jumping rule?

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