Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Hair Cut

I think I'll try cutting Bentley's hair again in... 3 years? In the mean time I'll practice on Matt (if he ever lets me!), since he can hold still and wait patiently while I try to figure out what I'm doing!

At first Bentley looked a little confused, but things were still going ok:

The scissors came out, after studying the book, and Bentley didn't like it:

The screaming was getting to me & Grandma (and let's face it - we realized this was a lot harder than it looked!) so I satisfied myself with trimming one ear - compare the two pictures - didn't I do a nice job on the ear?!

One phone call to Natalie (the hair dresser), 1 order of french fries, and 1 bag of peanut butter M&Ms (bribes!) later...

I'm just not sure if the hair cut makes him look younger or older? In any case, it's good to get rid of all that extra hair so we can see that beautiful baby face more clearly!

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