We had all three grandchildren spend the night last night. We don't do that very often. We should. They are fun times three. Of course, they are also work times three which is probably why we don't have them spend the night more often. We are wimps. We like our sleep. Kara and Matt are our heroes. How do they do it day and night after day and night?!
The grandchildren came over around 6:30PM. We walked to a nearby park and school playground. Bentley loves the playground, but the twins are still too young to use any of the equipment. There aren't any baby swings. So after a very brief visit, I took them back home while Mark and Bentley stayed to play longer.

Meanwhile back at the house the twins enjoyed ripping apart the train tracks, ransacking the kitchen drawers, and stalking the kitty.

Soon it was time to start the bedtime ritual. We put on fresh diapers and changed the grandbabies into their pajamas. We fed them their night time bottle. (Okay it looks like they fed themselves, but I did make the bottles!) Opa read to them.

We said prayer and Genevieve and Jackson went to bed a little after 9:30PM. Genevieve pitched a very loud, but very short fit and then they both were asleep. Bentley stayed up with us. He ate dinner. (He'd refused to eat earlier.) He tormented his opa with train video requests. That boy cannot get enough of train photos.
Eventually us old ones had to go to bed and we took the toddler with us. He's not the best bed mate. He's very restless, but he's so adorable no one cares about his poor bed manners. (Just ask his parents. He's currently sharing their bed every night.)
The twins, Bentley, and opa all slept in until 10AM. I think the twins were probably awake earlier than that, but they were happy enough so I didn't bring them bottles until then.
The kids played for a while while I took the opportunity to get some cute photos with our sunglasses collection. (It was my idea, but Mark did the photos, of course.) Bentley is modeling Harry Potter glasses. The twins are wearing sunglasses.

Then we had to feed the crew AGAIN before dressing them for church. We tried to get a photo of the three little ones in their Sunday best, but they did not cooperate so it's a lame photo.

We took all three children to church with us. Sacrament was three hours long. (Okay, maybe it only seemed like it was three hours long.) One of the talks was on teaching reverence to children starting at a young age. I'm sure I would have felt guilty about the lack of reverence on our pew, if I had heard more of the talk. (Besides, the speaker surely didn't mean teaching reverence to a 10 month old?!) Bentley is easier to handle in sacrament when he's not with the twins. They are a bad influence. (That's not a fair statement because they acted much better than he did. It's just that usually he's very good and he wasn't today. He was very chatty.)
Mark and I were in charge of the church nursery this week (we were filling in for the regular teachers who were on vacation), so it worked out great. We could take the twins with us. They were very good in nursery. Genevieve slept through the first half. Jackson played. Bentley was more confident in nursery than he ever has been before. Was he showing off to the twins?! He was quite disruptive when Mark and I were trying to lead song time. He started running from one end of the room to the other and soon half the nursery joined him instead of singing with us. Great. I cannot hold my own with a two year old.
I think our overnighter went well. The children were a little disruptive in church, but what do you expect of three children two and under?! I personally find all three of them totally delightful. We are lucky to have them in our lives, even on Sunday during sacrament.